Breaking Hesitations on Legal Process Outsourcing and Legal-Tech for Critics & Newbies

Legal, LPO

Breaking Hesitations on Legal Process Outsourcing and Legal-Tech for Critics & Newbies

July 10, 2020

The other day going through my subscription emails, I came across a thought-provoking article in, titled “Two Left Feet:What GCs want from Legal Technology” written by GinnaPassarellaCipriani and Zach Warren, dated 27 August 2019. I would have let it be as my daily reading quota if it had not raised all the right questions and they were nailed right to the point. Being an LPO firm, we felt we need to dispel certain unfounded hesitations that seem to be making the rounds regarding LPO vendors and legal technology.

The one thing everyone seems to agree about is the definite integration of legal technology with their respective law firms or corporate houses. So when that aspect is crystal, so what keeps them not consulting or outsourcing when the outside company has the required legal technology and resources to put your concerns and overstretched work at ease.

Hesitation #1: Distracted

Distracted because you have a lot of options to choose from? Fret not, that’s actually a good thing. It shows every Legal Process Outsourcing is getting better at what it does. So instead of a single go-to place, you have many waiting for your nod to give you the best in legal-tech. Still confused? Go ahead and read the rest to have a solid opinion on what you need and how to go about it.

Hesitation #2: Budget Constraints

Small, medium and big law firms alike have faltering thoughts about the budget that will incur to take legal tech companies on-board. However, LPO’s popularity is primarily of the budget in itself. Since most of the outsourcing is done in offshore countries like India and the Philippines where the cost of paying for an employee is far lower than the hourly wages charged in the USA and the UK it’s a huge advantage and added profit cum saving for the legal firm. A less budget doesn’t mean a compromise with tech. In fact, itsthe beauty of the whole thing, as in the AEREN LPO tagline we say, “Providing more with much less”. We have the best of Attorneys to integrate you with the significant legal technology.

Hesitation #3: Unfamiliar with Product  Capability

Most legal firms couldn’t decide what precisely the legal tech can do for them and their business strategy. That leads to them having self conflicted thoughts about the usefulness and scope of the tech into their everyday legal firm pursuits even without giving it a try. When we need to decide if a particular product or service is good we opt for a test sample first. Similarly, every LPO provides you with a free pilot before you decide to go ahead with them. So put full stops to thinking conflicts and go for a pilot test and decide for yourself and your firm betterment.

Hesitation #4: Provide solutions only to discrete issues

This is more or less a continuation of Hesitation #3. When going for a pilot project please ensure to double-check both your needs and LPO Attorney team perception of you are on the same wavelength. As an LPO we have tools to get your actual needs and have one go-to point person for all your requirements so its all incorporated and customized to your specific needs. Every legal firm is unique. So having a ready to go solution may or may not work at times. And that’s when you think it’s discrete. However, when your demands are exactly clear we know what exact legal tech to integrate you with and we work diligently to grant you exactly that- “A complete solution for all your needs. Never discrete”.

Hesitation #5: Will it be effective

Of course, it’s more than effective. It takes away from you your workload, saves you time, cost, resources and free up your precious time for your valuable clients, their facetime, and strategic business decisions that needed to be taken exclusively by you and your team.

Hesitation #6: Not ready for the real problem

I guess now after addressing the elephant in the room, your thoughts should be somewhere between clear to definite to choose the best LPO provider for you. With an LPO there is never a false- negative scenario outcome. You get only the real practical solutions for all your legal needs. All you need to do is know what exactly you want for your organization. Even if not, rest assured, we have our own experts to guide you and choose the right solutions designed just to you.

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