Excerpts From a Discussion Between LPO & Tech


Excerpts From a Discussion Between LPO & Tech

May 26, 2021


Hi, is this seat vacant?


Yeah! Please feel free to sit.


How are you doing?


I am doing great. What about you? 


I am great. Actually, I came down here for a meeting with a client.


Oh, nice! It’s been a long time since I had a physical meeting. 


Oh, I understand. Technology has really eased communications. Hey, on that note, I was curious about a few things that you would be probably able to answer. If I may? 


Yeah, I am all ears.


What does the word ‘LEGAL TECHNOLOGY’ mean?


Alright! It’s a technology or software that substantially changes the way we use legal services in our daily lives. It eases the practice of law for attorneys and legal professionals while also helping the common man to have access to legal competence or justice.


Sounds very promising! How exactly will it ease the way the legal industry works? 


So, look at how the use of technologies has increased computing power to deliver faster and more accurate or enhanced voluminous data sets. Exactly like that, legal technologies can create a game-changing experience for attorneys. As you already know the legal system is vast and constantly changing, however, with legal technology, attorneys get insight into the legal domain within a second.  

It can make their work more efficient and precise. The software we make is designed to add convenience to process the law industry while maintaining communication with clients, share real-time updates, and helps to perform research work thoroughly by reducing the time.

Let me give you the example of AEREN LPO which is a legal process outsourcing company disrupting the market with the latest technology that provides quality work for its clients. 


That’s so much to process! Thanks for the example. I will definitely check it out. On another note, do I have to be concerned if legal technology is taking over my job? Would it mean that people won’t need an attorney anymore? 


Hold up! Do you really think so? Just tell me if your car can drive you to your destination without your guidance? 


Well! That’s true, it’s not possible without my guidance.


Exactly! Legal technology is best leveraged by attorneys like you to reap the benefits for your lawsuit or business. While humans are more active in taking decisions, technology is foremost in performing the best in tech tasks. With your guidance, legal technology becomes more accurate and presents the best results. 


That’s awesome!


It will automate most of your manual business or management-related work and help you utilize your saved time on your core competencies. Legal technology will also help you in better communication with your clients.

Online research platforms could help attorneys to stay up-to-date with the law. The electronic court filing is also in trend. Litigation support software is made to assist attorneys in the process of litigation and many more.


I think I have been assuming all the wrong things about Legal Technology. So, if I want to jump into a legal tech career, how easy would it be?


It would be pretty simple. 




First off, you should consider your organization’s pain points. You will be surprised to know that many organizations fail to consider ‘What problems do they need to solve?’ before wondering ‘What software do they need?’. Your weakness should be addressed first before implementing technology. Only then technology comes out with the best results to enhance your business. 


This was such an enlightening conversation. You cleared my doubts regarding the use of legal technology. Thank you so much!


It was my pleasure.


My client is almost here! I will get going then. Hope to see you around soon. 


All the best for your meeting!. Take care and see you!

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